Publications (2004-2024)

Doctoral thesis


Ryeznik, Y. (2019) “Optimal adaptive designs and adaptive randomization techniques for clinical trials.” Uppsala Dissertations in Mathematics,ISSN 1401-2049 113:94.



Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2023) “Hybrid Galerkin-Rayleigh: a new method solution for scattering from 1-D roughness on a PEC plane at grazing.” .

Peer-reviewed publications


Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y., Anisimov, V., Kuznetsova, O. M., Knight, R., Carter, K., Drescher, S., Zhao, W. (2024) “Selecting a randomization method for a multi-center clinical trial with stochastic recruitment considerations.” BMC Medical Research Methodology 24 (1):1-23.

Zhao, W., Carter, K., Sverdlov, O., Scheffold, A., Ryeznik, Y., Cassarly, C., Berger, V. W. (2024) “Steady-state statistical properties and implementation of randomization designs with maximum tolerated imbalance restriction for two-arm equal allocation clinical trials.” Statistics in Medicine 43 (6):1194-1212.


Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y. (2023) “Balancing the objectives of statistical efficiency and allocation randomness in randomized controlled trials.” Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research .

Sverdlov, O., Carter, K., Hilgers, R. D., Everett C. C., Berger, V. W., Luo, Y. A., Chipman, J .J., Ryeznik, Y., Ross, J., Knight, R., Yamada, K. (2023) “Which randomization methods are used most frequently in clinical trials? Results of a survey by the Randomization Working Group.” Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research .


Fei, Z., Ryeznik, Y., Sverdlov, O., Tan, Ch. W., Wong, W. K. (2022) “An overview of healthcare data analytics with applications to the COVID-19 pandemic.” IEEE Transactions on Big Data 8 (6):1463-1480.

Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y. (2022) “Accounting for patient engagement in randomized controlled trials evaluating digital cognitive behavioral therapies.” Applied Sciences 12 (10):4952.


Berger, V.W., Bour, L. J., Carter, K., Chipman, J. J., Everett, C. C., Heussen, N, Hewitt, C, Hilgers, R. D., Luo, Y. A., Renteria, J., Ryeznik, Y., Sverdlov, O., Uschner, D. (2021) “A roadmap to using randomization in clinical trials.” BMC Medical Research Methodology 21 (168):1-24.

Ryeznik, Y., Sverdlov, O.,, Svensson, E. M., Montepiedra, G., Hooker, A. C., Wong, W. K. (2021) “Pharmacometrics meets statistics-A synergy for modern drug development.” CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 10 (10):1134-1149.

Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y., Wong, W. K. (2021) “Opportunity for efficiency in clinical development: An overview of adaptive clinical trial designs and innovative machine learning tools, with examples from the cardiovascular field.” Contemporary Clinical Trials 105:106397.

Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2021) “Practical treatment of the multicollinearity: The optimal ridge method and the modified OLS.” Problems of Economy 1 (47):155-168.


Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y., Wong, W. K. (2020) “On optimal designs for clinical trials: An updated review.” Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 14 (10):1-29.


Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2019) “Ordinary least squares: the adequacy of linear regression solutions under multicollinearity and without it.” Problems of Economy 39 (1):217-227.

Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y. (2019) “Implementing unequal randomization in clinical trials with heterogeneous treatment costs.” Statistics in Medicine 38 (16):2905-2927.


Ryeznik, Y., Sverdlov, O., Hooker, A. C. (2018) “Implementing optimal designs for dose–response studies through adaptive randomization for a small population group.” AAPS Journal 20 (85).

Ryeznik, Y., Sverdlov, O. (2018) “A comparative study of restricted randomization procedures for multiarm trials with equal or unequal treatment allocation ratios.” Statistics in Medicine 37 (21):3056-3077.

Ryeznik, Y., Sverdlov, O., Hooker, A. C. (2018) “Adaptive optimal designs for dose-finding studies with time-to-event outcomes.” AAPS Journal 20 (24).


Ryeznik, Y., Sverdlov, O., WOng, W. K. (2015) “RARtool: A MatLab software package for designing response-adaptive randomized clinical trials with time-to-event outcomes.” Journal of Statistical Software 66 (1).

Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y., Wu, S. (2015) “Exact Bayesian inference comparing binomial proportions, with application to proof-of-concept clinical trials.” Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science 49 (1):163-174.


Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y., Wong, W. K. (2014) “Efficient and ethical response-adaptive randomization designs for multi-arm clinical trials with Weibull time-to-event outcomes.” 24 (4):732-754.

Sverdlov, O., Wong, W. K., Ryeznik, Y. (2014) “Adaptive clinical trial designs for phase I cancer studies.” Statistics Surveys 8:2-44.


Sverdlov, O., Rosenberger, W. F., Ryeznik, Y. (2013) “Utility of covariate-adjusted response-adaptive randomization in survival trials.” Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 5 (1):38-53.


Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y., Wong, W. K. (2012) “Doubly-adaptive biased coin designs for balancing competing objectives in time-to-event trials.” Statistics and Its Interface 5 (1):401-413.


Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2010) “Peculiarities of electromagnetic wave scattering from water surface causing an anomalous effect.” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 69 (6):531-536.


Ryeznik, Y., Sukharevsky, O. I., Tyzhnenko, A. G. (2008) “Detection of the scatterer’s form and size with multyfrequency radiolocation.” The Bulletin of Kharkiv National University 834 (13):31-36 (in Russian).

Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2008) “Potentially unbreakable ciphering on a hybrid physical-mathematical level.” The Bulletin of Kharkiv National University 834 (13):108-114.

Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2008) “Identification and localization of reflected pulses under strong noise.” The Bulletin of Kharkiv National University 806 (12):70-75 (in Russian).


Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2007) “Scattering from sea surface leading spike effect.” Raditechnics 149:27-31 (in Russian).

Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2007) “Estimation of accuracy of scattering field for 2D screens calculated with Method of Moments (MoM) in L2The Bulletin of Kharkiv National University 756:65-70 (in Russian).

Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2007) “Estimates of accuracy and efficiency of a MoM algorithm in L2 for 2-D screens” Progress in Electromagnetics Research 71:295-316.

Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2007) “Galerkin method solution as a reference solution for MoM algorithms in L2 for E-screens.” Journal of Applied Elecromagnetism 9 (1):27-44.


Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2005) “Convergent Galerkin MoM solution for 2-D H-scattering from screens.” Electromagnetics 25 (4):329-341.


Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2004) “Convergent Galerkin MoM solution to the hypersingular 1st kind integral equation for 2-D Neumann problem.” Journal of Applied Elecromagnetism 6 (2):37-51.

Books, book chapters, and tutorials


Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y., Leonov, S., Fedorov, V. (2022) “Statistical approaches in the development of digital therapeutics” in Digital Therapeutics: Strategic, Scientific, Developmental, and Regulatory Aspects chapter 6, Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y., Wong, W. K. (2022) “Imbalanced randomization (rationales for).” in Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, Wiley Online Library.


Sverdlov, O., Ryeznik, Y. (2021) “Randomization, stratification, and outcome-adaptive allocation” in Handbook of Statistical Methods for Randomized Clinical Trials chapter 11: 215-242, Chapman and Hall/CRC.


Kryvokhyzha, D., Ryeznik, Y. (2018) “Hail tutorial in Scala for population genomics ETL” in SDS-2.2, Scalable Data Science, GitBook.

Conference presentations


“Computation of the geometric mean and variance of the AUC using polynomial chaos.” (with A. C. Hooker). PAGE Meeting: Montreux, Switzerland, May 29-June 1, 2018.

“Treatment allocation adaptive randomization methods in clinical trials with few individuals may influence model parameter estimation.” (with O. Sverdlov and A. C. Hooker). PAGE Meeting: Montreux, Switzerland, May 29-June 1, 2018.

“Implementing optimal designs for dose-response studies through adaptive randomization for a small population group.” (with O. Sverdlov and A. C. Hooker). Design of Experiments: New Challenges: Marseille, France, April 30-May 4, 2018.


“Adaptive dose finding for time-to-event outcomes with adaptive choice of patient number based on response rate.” (with O. Sverdlov and A. C. Hooker). PAGE Meeting: Lisboa, Portugal, June 7-10, 2016.

“Adaptive optimal designs for dose-finding studies with time-to-event outcomes on continuous dose space.” (with O. Sverdlov and A. C. Hooker). SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification: Lausanne, Switzerland, April 5-8, 2016.


“Adaptive designs for dose finding clinical trials with time-to-event outcomes.” (with O. Sverdlov and A. C. Hooker). PAGE Meeting: Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 2-5, 2015.


“Development of software for simulation and implementation of response-adaptive time-to-event trials.” (with O. Sverdlov and W. K. Wong). Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM): San Diego CA, USA, July 28-August 2, 2012.


“Efficient and ethical adaptive randomization designs for multi-armed clinical trials with Weibull time-to-event outcomes.” (with O. Sverdlov and W. K. Wong). The 20th Applied Statistics Symposium, International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA): New York, USA, June 26-29, 2011.


“Covariate-adjusted response-adaptive randomization designs for phase III survival trials.” (with O. Sverdlov). XVII Biostatistics Applied Symposium (BASS): Hilton Head, SC, USA, 2010.

Conference proceedings


Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2007) “Scattering amplitude error analysis for the MoM schemes in L2 commonly used for solving a 2-D scattering from screens.” The Sixth International Kharkov Symposium on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves, MSMW-07: 319-321. Kharkiv, Ukraine.


Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2006) “A new insight into a possible spike mechanism.” International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetics Theory, MMET-06: 170-172. Kharkiv, Ukraine.


Tyzhnenko, A. G., Ryeznik, Y. (2005) “A unique solution for H-scattering from 2-D roughness on a PEC plane.” 18th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetic, ICECom-05: 1-4. Dubrovnik, Croatia.